"Nisshin Camera Shooting Diary"

ILFORD SPRITE 35-II + Kodak ULTRAMAX400 で撮ってみた!📸

I shot with ILFORD SPRITE 35-II + Kodak ULTRAMA...

I took it with ILFORD's film camera SPRITE 35-II! The camera looks pretty compact and light! Can I take a picture with this? you might think I was able to...

I shot with ILFORD SPRITE 35-II + Kodak ULTRAMA...

I took it with ILFORD's film camera SPRITE 35-II! The camera looks pretty compact and light! Can I take a picture with this? you might think I was able to...


Taken with FUJIFILM FUJICOLOR 100! 📷

[Today's preview] 📷Agfa OPTIMA 535 SOLITAR 40/2.8 🎞 FUJI COLOR 100 The preview shot was taken with Fujifilm, but the feeling and the color were European-style, and it turned out...

Taken with FUJIFILM FUJICOLOR 100! 📷

[Today's preview] 📷Agfa OPTIMA 535 SOLITAR 40/2.8 🎞 FUJI COLOR 100 The preview shot was taken with Fujifilm, but the feeling and the color were European-style, and it turned out...

上海 申光 400 で撮ってみた!📷Part II

Taken with Shanghai Shenguang 400! 📷Part II

[Today's preview] 🎞Shanghai Shenguang 400 📷Canon EOS Kiss + SIGMA A 40/1.4 DG Old Cameras Today's Lenses Today's Film What about the photo? That's why the development has been completed,...

Taken with Shanghai Shenguang 400! 📷Part II

[Today's preview] 🎞Shanghai Shenguang 400 📷Canon EOS Kiss + SIGMA A 40/1.4 DG Old Cameras Today's Lenses Today's Film What about the photo? That's why the development has been completed,...

CineStill Film BWXX 250 135 で撮ってみた!📷

I shot with CineStill Film BWXX 250 135! 📷

[Today's preview] 🎞Cine Still Film BWXX 250 135 📷PENTAX SL + SMC-T 55/1.8 black and white film for movies Products packed in 35mm Patrone like a scene from a movie...

I shot with CineStill Film BWXX 250 135! 📷

[Today's preview] 🎞Cine Still Film BWXX 250 135 📷PENTAX SL + SMC-T 55/1.8 black and white film for movies Products packed in 35mm Patrone like a scene from a movie...

Kodak ULTRA MAXで撮ってみた!作例紹介

Taken with Kodak ULTRA MAX! Example introduction

Thank you for visiting our website 😊 There are only a few places left this year ~! Did you all get a lot of pictures in 2021? In this day...

Taken with Kodak ULTRA MAX! Example introduction

Thank you for visiting our website 😊 There are only a few places left this year ~! Did you all get a lot of pictures in 2021? In this day...

FUJICOLOR 100 で撮ってみた📷

Taken with FUJICOLOR 100📷

Thank you for visiting our homepage! As you can see in the title of the film I am introducing this time, FUJIFILM FUJICOLOR 100 Thank you! The film is relatively...

Taken with FUJICOLOR 100📷

Thank you for visiting our homepage! As you can see in the title of the film I am introducing this time, FUJIFILM FUJICOLOR 100 Thank you! The film is relatively...